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Expungement (CA Penal Code 1203.4) is the process of having a criminal conviction dismissed by a court. The perks of expunging a conviction include greater employment opportunities and peace of mind.
It is recommended that you contact an experienced Los Angeles Expungement Attorney, and explain the details of your specific situation.
Once you have successfully expunged a conviction, you can legally say that you have not been convicted of a crime.
The process of expunging a conviction can be technical and intimidating, because of this, it’s a good idea to utilize an expungement attorney with experience in this field. In short, when expunging a conviction, your guilty plea (or no contest plea) is withdrawn and a not guilty plea replaces it. The court then dismisses the case and notes this on your criminal record. If the conviction was a felony, there is an additional step in filing a 17(b) motion that reduces a felony charge to a misdemeanor. This process can only take place after:
● You’ve successfully completed your probation term without any infractions
● You’ve paid in full all fines, fees, and restitution
California does not grant expungement for some sexual-related crimes or any crime that sentenced someone to state prison. The sexual-related crimes include, but are not limited to:
● Penal Code 286(c) – Sodomy with a child
● Penal Code 288 – Lewd acts with a child
● Penal Code 261.5(d) – Statutory rape
It is also important to note that expungement will not:
● Repeal a driver’s license suspension or revocation
● Reinstate a person’s guns rights
● Exempt a person from registering as a sex offender
● Erase a strike in accordance to California’s ‘Three Strikes Law’
● Overrule a priorable offense sentencing
● A priorable sentence is one that increases with each subsequent conviction, in other words, the sentencing for a person’s second conviction of a DUI will be more severe than the sentencing for a person’s first conviction.
Expungement is a great opportunity for anyone who is looking to have a conviction dismissed and have peace of mind. But don’t forget that expunging a conviction does not erase a person’s criminal record, it only shows that a guilty plea has been replaced with a not-guilty plea and that the court dismissed the case. For more information, you can contact an experienced expungement attorney at LAW MART today.
If you or a loved one are in need of Expunging a charge from your record, we invite you to contact us immediately for a free case review. Schedule an appointment to meet with us in person, or feel free to submit an evaluation online and we will get in contact with you ASAP.
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